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I Forgot God Could Heal

Zuleika Guzman

1 year, 4 months and 7 days have passed since I gave birth to my son Emmanuel. Unfortunately, it was 5 months before his actual due date and so that morning heaven gained an angel. The road to healing was a tough one. There were days I felt like myself again and other days I was so numb I couldn't feel a thing. When Emmanuel was born he stole a piece of my heart and took it with him to heaven. At times, God felt oh so near, I could almost feel Him wiping my tears away. At other times, it was if heaven shut down and God was on a lunch break. I know God does not take lunch breaks and I know heaven never closes but for a moment there it sure felt like He did.

Months passed and still no answers from God as to why I lost my son and still no healing. There was a time were I thought I was doing better and then reality came crashing down. Still empty arms and an empty womb. And so, I forgot. I allowed my grief and my pain to overcome me, leading to my consummation of hopeless. I knew what the Bible said but it sure wasn't feeling like truth. I embraced the anger, the pain and the bitterness that is birthed in the grieving process. I would go out with friends or family and come home and cry. I felt my value, as a woman was gone. I had "faith" but I just could not get over my pain.

One Sunday morning, as my Pastor was preaching I began to cry and cry. During the sermon my husband and I would look at each other because we knew God was speaking to us. Finally! Fresh Air! God's presence crashed over me like a wave when it hits the seashore. As we drove home my husband and I were crying and laughing. I felt alive. I felt relieved. I felt heaven was back in business! Not only did God do a work in me but in my husband as well! I cried in joy and I cried as I remembered how quickly God could heal a hurting heart. It was an instant miracle. My heart was healed! My heartache was gone! I was free!

Has your current situation blurred out the unchangeable characteristics of God? Is your Goliath facing you and you have no more stones to throw? Woman of God, be healed! Be reminded that God is a God of miracles. He is unchanging! If you’re grieving, grieve well. Go to the green pastures Psalm 23 speaks to us about. Declare it! Believe it! Receive it! God wants to heal you too! I know your hurting but you cannot let your grief overtake you! Rise up! Be like Hannah and pour your soul unto God until He answers. Who knows, He could surprise you this Sunday morning!

With Love,


Luke 1:45 "Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”


She Prayed Ministries Inc is a registered non-profit in and is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

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