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Amazing Grace

Mercedes Glasgow

I was relaxing on my front porch a couple of weeks ago, enjoying a nice evening breeze when I suddenly heard my daughter yell, “Mommy, I need your help,” while crying hysterically. Like any momma bear, I leapt up and practically flew upstairs to make sure she was okay. It turns out she had a mini accident (seriously very minor). However, she felt so ashamed and counted herself a failure because of this minor accident. What hurt her the most was she knew it was preventable, she knew better, and she couldn’t accept the mistake she had made.

As I stared into her fragile, shame-filled eyes, I asked why she was crying. All she could repeat was how sad she was because she had done something “bad”. I knew in that moment it was most important to love her through her shame and remind her how vital it is for us to be receptive of the amazing grace God has gifted us. I explained to her that even Mommy, as wise as I may seem to her, still makes mistakes here and there, but what matters is that I don’t allow those mistakes to define me. In the same way, I discouraged her from allowing her small mistake to define her and encouraged her to remind herself who God says she is.

It could have easily been a lost opportunity, but I saw it as a teachable moment not only for my sweet 5-year-old girl, but for myself, as well. I pray you find value in this teachable moment, Sister. In my daughter's shame, sadness, and disappointment I saw Jesus’s sweet gift of grace to us. I saw my younger self in her eyes. I saw how in my own mess of a life I had created years ago, God loved me through my mess. God saw past my flaws and mistakes, even the ones I had not made yet; and His amazing grace covered me. Still, I remember struggling to show myself the grace He’d already gifted me. This was the lesson I wanted my daughter to learn.

Sister, I don’t know where you’ve been nor what you’ve done, or what decision you’ve made that has left you ashamed, disappointed, and maybe even broken. But I’m here to tell you that the enemy loves to take those moments of shame and whisper lies to you in an effort to make you believe you are what you’ve done and that your mess is too big to receive God’s grace. It's a lie from the pits of hell! You are NOT your mistakes. You are NOT your downfalls. You are NOT your weakest moments. You ARE who GOD says you are! God is much bigger than your mess.

God says you are far more precious than rubies. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You were made for such a time as this. You are God’s handiwork. You are redeemed. In Christ you have been brought to FULLNESS. Your old self was crucified with Christ that you should no longer be a slave to sin. You were created in the image of God. Before He formed you in your mother’s womb, God knew you. You are joint-heir with Christ to the Kingdom of Heaven. This is who God says you are. That’s Bible! Will you take a second to look yourself in the mirror and proclaim these truths over yourself today?

When you’re having a moment of weakness or hearing the deceitful lies of the enemy in your mind, will you remind yourself of God’s truth about your identity in Christ? Grace is not something any of us could have ever earned. That’s why God sent His only begotten Son, the only perfect being to ever walk this earth, to die for our sins that we may be covered by His amazing grace. It’s not something we use to go out and purposefully live reckless lives, displeasing to God. But it is something we ought to remind ourselves He’s gifted us because as long as we are in this flesh, mistakes will be made, disappointments will occur, and we will fall short. It’s imperative we show ourselves a bit of grace when picking up the pieces and marching toward our purpose. I urge you to bask in our good and faithful Father’s amazing grace on today.

If this post has blessed you, share a “Glory!” in the comments. If you feel further compelled, share how God’s grace has covered you.


She Prayed Ministries Inc is a registered non-profit in and is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

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