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Fear Be Gone

We can all agree that right now, the world is crazy and there is so much going on. Somewhere between school closings and this 8 o'clock curfew, I find myself being essential and the fact that I have to work is where I struggled the most. I found myself judging my work situation. Fear corrupted my mind slowly. I even started to believe that I was in the wrong field. I feared being infected with the coronavirus and bringing it home to the people I love. The field I been employed for the last eight years slowly became a nightmare. Was I being selfish for asking to work from home? I felt like I was not showing the peace of God at all in this situation. In the midst of this pandemic, having God as our center is crucial. Ephesians 2:14 tells us that, “He Himself is our peace.” So in the midst of everything that is going on with COVID-19, as believers we need to constantly ask ourselves, “Am I showing the peace of God? Are my thoughts and attention on Him?” 2 Timothy 1:17 “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” So how do I show the peace of God in the midst of all this? I struggled, I felt like I was only trusting God halfway!  Everything we go through has a purpose. I realized that there is a fine line between feeling fear and being aware. I was confusing the two. Just because I feel afraid doesn’t make me less of a Christian. But as a Christian, I have to keep my focus on God. I feed into distractions, such as social media and can spend hours at a time on an app or Netflix and complain about being too busy for God. I find myself praying more when I'm in a situation that I need to pray myself out of. I find myself worshiping more when I start feeling anxious, but if I had kept myself in worship mode, I could avoid being anxious in the first place. Dear single mom, I'm not saying we will not feel fear. I am saying that we cannot live in it. This too shall pass. Way Maker Miracle Worker Promise Keeper  Light in the Darkness That is who you are. Even when I can’t see it, you’re working, Even when I don’t feel it, you’re working, You never stop, never stop working. You never stop, never stop working. Signed with peace, Julie Cruz


She Prayed Ministries Inc is a registered non-profit in and is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

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