There are two things that are certain: The power of your words and the power of prayer. God's love and mercy endures forever and ever. Allow me to testify about what God saved me from. Two years ago, I was going through a nervous and mental breakdown, I spoke death over my life and was descriptive; I literally cried out and said, "I want to die instantly." I wanted to be gone from the world. I was not thinking about my two year old son nor my daughter which at that time I was pregnant with.
About a month or two after that I finally gave birth to my daughter, three weeks after birthing her I got into a bad argument with my kids' father. I was so upset that I got into my car just to take a ride. Not realizing that I was speeding, before I could even get on Admiral Wilson the Holy Spirit was tugging on me to put my seat belt on. Mind you, I never wore my seat belt. But I obeyed, and I finally put my seat belt on with my music blasting and tears streaming down my face. I struck a puddle in front of me and I hydroplaned. I hit the car that was next to me and from there I saw my car heading towards this furniture store as I saw myself striking towards the building I just turned my face and closed my eyes. I can still hear the screeching noise and my car flipped over. It literally felt as if I was on a roller coaster. The impact was so strong that when I finally opened my eyes and looked at my side there was no way for me to get out, my car was crushed to the floor. I unbuckled my seat belt, rolled down my window from the passenger side and crawled out. I was shaking and my body was aching. I was filled with tears asking God, "why did this happen to me," and He instantly reminded me of my words and what I had spoken over my life. It was almost like a vision and I saw myself crying out like it literally brought me back to that night. I got out of my car literally with burn marks and bruises from the seat belt and air bag, but not a single broken bone in me. The only thing that was replaying over my head was my mother’s words, “Yuliza God is going to get you one way or another.” "You belong to Him, you are His child," "You are His precious jewel." My mom and my grandmother prayed so much for me that I know it was their prayers covered me. God had mercy on me and kept me.
Ever since that day God has been tugging on me to come home and from that moment on God never left me alone. Even in my mess and when I turned my back on God, when I didn’t even deserve His grace, His favor His mercy, He still gave it to me. When He looked at me He saw a second chance, He saw purpose, and He saw beauty in me. When I didn’t feel like I was right for the job and even when I didn’t feel beautiful, He still saw those things in me. God called me and He chose me and God is saying the same for you. Prayers work and changed me to be who I am right now. All I can do is give the honor and glory to God because He saved me. It made me realize how fast your life can be taken just in a blink of an eye, tomorrow is not promised, surrender it all to God today it's best not to wait. It is written that if you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God , and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. (Romans 10:9-10 NLT)
Yuliza Lopez