Dear Single Sister,
After six years, my first serious relationship had come to an end. My identity was being a girlfriend, a mother, an employee, two jobs at that time. Once that went away, I felt such a vacancy; that was my life, and all I knew. Years later, still single, I’ve gained so much wisdom and attained talents along the way that I probably never would have married.
For my single sisters, let this be the time that God shapes you to be who you need to be. Ecc. 3:1 says, “For everything, there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”
Don’t sit on this time; use it. Singleness is a time you can deal with your struggles. Write down things you need to work on. Ask God to reveal those things to you so you can surrender that to Him.
Better yourself. Learn a new skill, start a new hobby, or go to the gym. Live your life and do what you want to do that honors God. Travel and read all the books.
Pray for your future spouse. “God, only give me eyes for you and my future husband.” This helps you not chase after just anyone who gives you attention.
Focus on kingdom work, maybe join a ministry. Then when someone else someone comes along with the same focus, you can work together. God may choose to give you a partner that will help you with the kingdom. Praise God for that!
No man can fix you. That is God’s job, and He is such a gentleman that He waits for you to ask. God can’t do great work in you without doing a great work through you first. Jesus promises if we turn over our problems to Him, He will begin a new thing.
I decided to dedicate my life to Him and what an amazing journey it’s been.
Matthew 10:39 If you cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.
With you,
Raquel Avilés